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COVID Rules Not Working At Your Gym?

COVID Rules Not Working At Your Gym?

June 2, 2020

Sierra Fitness Can Fit You In...

June 1st 2020 in Queensland has seen the lock down rules ease up a little with the roll out of stage 2. For most gym's this meant that only a maximum of 20 people would be allowed to train at any one time, along with a list of other rules to be followed. In general, this has created a host of issues for many gym's in Queensland.


Pre booking an appointment just to train,

Supervised PT training sessions only, or not even open at all as yet, with little or no communication. These are just a few of the issues we are hearing about at the moment.

At Sierra we have been fortunate to have had an even spread of members, allowing our gym to cater well under the maximum allowed restrictions.

For those looking for an alternate gym or just somewhere to train in general, come and see us today. Gyms can be very intimidating, lack friendly customer service, get over crowded.

We listen and provide the most flexible options with facilities equipped for beginners through to advanced.

Enjoy our members guarantee with no contracts with optional trials available, so you can train and be in control & confident that you have made the right choice.

Look forward to have you train with us...

Team Sierra

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